Got a Couch or Know Someone Who Does?
If you live somewhere in the general vicinity of where I'm going or have a friend/family that does, and can put me up for the night, I'd be very grateful...
I have a minuscule one person tent, and a couple people along the way have allready agreed to house me, but most of my nights are still up in the air. I don't really have the money to get motels very often, so any chance I have to take a shower will be like a touch of luxury.
If you or your friend/family can help, contact me. In order to prevent automated data harvesters from grabbing my email/phone number off this webpage, I've added some junk data in it. Just ignore anything in red letters.
Cell Phone (leave a message): 233 413 320 3145 332
Email (remove red text!!!) :
Confirmed Contributions
- Ms. Allisun in Cleveland, OH
- Willie in Chicago, IL
- Felix in Evanston, IL (5 miles from Chicago)
- Christine in Vancouver, Canada (weather permitting)
- Lenny in San Fransisco, CA
- Kristie in Tucson, AZ
Unconfirmed Contributions (if you can confirm, I'll take that over these maybes...)
- Spokane, WA (near ID border)
- Somewhere, Colorado
- SouthEastern corner of OK