
What Is This All About?

At the time of this writting, I am about to embark on a motorcycle trip around the USA.
Until this point, I had never ridden on a motorcycle, nor had I seen most of the USA, so I expect this trip to be both challenging and enlightening.

Why Would You Do That?

Well, beyond the obvious "because I want to" answer, I am at a turning point in my life, and I have found from experience that these are the times that I grow the most as a person. Things take on a new perspective, and I come out the wiser.

Having just finished with the Undergraduate College part of my life, I now get to look forward to the Full Time Job part of my life. A lot of good things have happened to me at this point, a lot of which I owe to my family's generous intervention. But things have moved fast, and I don't think I have a full perspective of them.

In addition to this, I am at one of those rare moments in life where I don't have anything that I have to do right now, until I get a job. I don't know when the next time will be that I can take this much time off in a row.

So I am at a crossroads. I could just settle down in the comfort of lazy vaccation, infinite free time, hanging with friends but creating little from the points of view of new memories or experiences, or I could embark in what I hope shall be one of the more memorable journeys I have ever done (and those who know me know that I am not lacking when it comes to traveling and adventures).

There you have it. I intend to put myself in a relatively dangerous situation, with a lot of time to do nothing but think and enjoy the ride. If past experiences are any guide, I will come out of it with a better understanding of myself and a more mature outlook on life.